What You Seek. You Will Find.
The old Rumi quote: What you are seeking, seeks you.
… through those around you. It is the Power of Spirit that we are all a part of. We all coexist (with it). To translate the Spiritual terminology to the Physics of Consciousness, we are all connected via our energetic nature.
Let Go of preconceived ways of how that will look and feel. Then it can be shown to you.
By thinking we know what that is, our connection to believing we know already – blocks the fullest actuality from happening.
Old Templates have run a long time now. Time to Upgrade.
When we find we are exhausted – in some way trying to cling to our concepts- Let Go. We will be shown. And it is Beautiful.
When you are Curious for your own Experience, a way will appear to you. It could, at first sight, be missed in its everyday appearance.
It is simply looking at the world and seeing only what brings you Joy and Delight when prior you focused on what seemed in your way of this sight. It is only a change of focus that is required. With effortless practice, it will happen.
Words can be signposts on the path but can also be the barricade.
When words feel Beautiful to you, they are the Signpost.
When words assault you, hurt you, they are the Barricade.
Feel your way through the dark and you will certainly find the light.
Look at your World.
Search for what is Beautiful.
There is your Path … Should you choose to accept it.
You are the Driver.
You choose.
You choose to welcome the Power.
The invisible Universal forces that know no color, know no creed.
A form of Physics not yet widely understood in an Academic way. Nor need it be. There is no discrimination to the real Power that You allow. It rides like a surfer on the wave of Love.
Love is simply seeing what is Beautiful in the world.
If you do not see anything, it is your job to create it in any way that connects you with Joy and Delight.
Where there is Joy, there is always Love.
Perhaps it is Peace you seek.
Where there is Peace, there is always Love.
Love … Is the Instrument.
Tinker with your Instrument.
Tune your Instrument.
Polish your Instrument.
Most importantly, take out your Instrument and Play with it.
Play it.
Connect with your Joy through the music of Love.
Or connect with the music of Love though your Joy.
Connect with your Peace through the music of Love.
Or connect with the music of Love through your Peace.
One way or another, you will find what you are looking for.
Appreciating, even enjoying, contrast is an asset.
How can one truly experience Light without first experiencing Dark?
Last Pearl: Tears are meant to be shed. The Path is regularly watered with Tears. And it is Good. Let the Tears flow through you when they appear. Let them wash your Soul. So you can Sparkle.
End of Channel – one minor edit when typed into a word doc. Tapped into my phone at 1am England time on March 21, 2015.
Sing Hallelujah by Dr. Alban.
My own thoughts added immediately following the channel:
I am feeling very Sparkly today.
Wanted to share that for me, I feel energy almost buzzing around my solar plexus often including my whole chest. When I was not familiar with these significant physical sensations of energy, it concerned me when they first presented. Can you say freak out? Also termed Spiritual Crisis. Now I am calmed knowing this vital energy nourishes me at will. Could be called Prayer, Meditation, Blending with Spirit, Blending with the Universal Energy and possibly other things. Mental wellbeing I have always found with these practices. Somewhere along the way, it got Physical. Notable signpost. No such thing as wrong. It will be Real. You will not miss it. If you are unsure, my guess is you have not aligned with your full Power. Only you will know for you. I speak solidly for myself.
The Universal Energy can flow more efficiently to you through someone in front of you. It is not necessary that another be the channel for the energy to you, but others function very well in this way. Joy, Peace and Love are signposts that the energy flows. Be aware. Create and Ensure that these feelings – Joy, Love, Peace or Delight – are experienced. Pure Physics. You are the Physicist … of Consciousness.
Resurrection by PPK
Wrote after completing a 6 day course on Trance Mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College. Sandi Baker, speaks on the video link, was one of my Tutors. All three Tutors were amazing. Really clarified for me that my first Manic Episode was related to blending with a Spirit. Felt the very same while blending during the course, only this time I did not freak out as I understood what it was. Pretty cool. Just another layer of understanding. Gotta love it! Optimal understanding is … Optimal.