Doubting Thomas.
A person who refuses to believe without proof.
A skeptic.
The Catch-22 of our times:
When using the linear, logical thinking style within the mind, the focus can be so narrow that the proof cannot fit into it.
The proof is all around us.
Yet most are not attuned to perceive it.
Hence, forever limited within a subset of human capability.
It is optimal to recognize that linear, logical thinking has a place in our world.
That place holds much limitation.
To fully access human capabilities, one is best served by being able to interact with the world using intuitive thinking also.
An alternate operating system.
Wider perspectives.
Broader capabilities.
The road to self-actualization is via nonlinear, nonlogical thinking pathways.
The road to human optimization is a magical one.
Magic is simply truth that is not optimally perceived.
A paradox.
Two seemingly opposite ideas both being true simultaneously.
The first step to optimally integrate this:
Appreciate that understanding is optional.
To understand is not required.
Needing to understand every detail is the most effective way to maintain the limited, logical mindset and prevent a more limitless existence.
Paradox feels the best word to describe this Catch-22.
“No-win situation”.
Truly any situation can be a win-win …
If one envisions it, then chooses it.
True intention to see optimally is another fantastic first step choice.
The logical, scientific mind commonly found in today’s power circles has conveniently set aside some important foundations within their own chosen mindset.
Most importantly: to question assumptions.
When did we stop questioning assumptions?
Why did we stop questioning assumptions?
Are we ready to ask optimal questions about our challenging problems?
Are we ready to hear, optimally hear, answers that serve the highest good for all?
How do we handle it when the answers do not match our perceived best interests?
How do we feel safe and secure when the answers challenge our coping mechanisms?
We cope with the universal wounds, templates, of unworthiness, lack of safety, lack of abundance.
Very. Convincing. Illusions.
We have been trained to fear uncertainty.
To the point where we prefer the cage.
Because we have grown accustomed to how we are treated in the cage.
To step out of the cage, the door has been open our entire life, feels uncertain.
Uncertainty tends to breed either fear or excitement.
Our thinking patterns developed via our family, our religious teachings, our community, our vocational training. The list goes on.
Be aware.
The path of human optimization rests on the ability to transform … transmute the fear of uncertainty into the excitement of possibility.
When there is a will, there is always a way.
Where there is a will, there is always a way.
There is a way.
Aren’t you curious?
(writing 1000)
Scenic Photos were found on the Facebook Page Alberta Landscapes.
The songs are part of a lovely Travel Alberta Ad Campaign.
The Alberta Advantage … has a ring to it.