Even before Justin Bieber made this title famous, I had captured it within my Experiential Learning in Life. I am not a Justin Bieber fan. More to my stylin’s is Ryan Higa taking on his alter ego, Rustin Hieber.
Daily Life of Rustin Hieber where Rustin sings Never Say Never. Extremely Entertaining… He even has my Tee Hee. Gotta’ love it! This is a Jacques, my middle child, pick. I recall seeing the first Ryan Higa video in 2012: Parody called Like a Good Boy. Reminds me of Myself when I was a Doctor…
On with the story …
Never Say Never. Key Dictum that I took away from my Post-Secondary Training. Two years Pre-Med in University. Four years of Medical School. Completed two years of Licensing Training at various Hospitals. I spent two months in Westlock, Alberta doing Rural Family Practice training. Two months in Grande Prairie, Alberta Honing Skills in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Eight years in all: I was Licensed …to Kill? I am not aware of killing anybody but the Lord only knows. Patients Died in my Care. Reported to the College of Physicians & Surgeons twice. To Date, I have not been Inspired to Share those Stories. Tiny Chapters in the Big Picture…
Medical School for Dummies or Medical School In a Nutshell:
1. Never Say Never & Never Say Always. If you ever catch your Physician saying either of these, you should use Extreme Caution in believing what he or she is saying.
2. Evaluate the Evaluator. Tricky…but always worth the effort. Are you receiving Health Advice from a Healthy Individual? Hope so…for Your Sake. I think of Health very Holistically. Health involves Mind, Body and Spirit. I took my own Medical Advice: Retired from Medicine. Ha ha.
One Internal Medicine exam yielded a Class Average just over 30%. The Clinical Professors were concerned… so they took the test themselves. Scored just over 40% on average. Really? I personally have little time for minutia. Epic Fail for all of us. What were they testing for exactly? Heaven only Knows.
3. See One. Do One. Teach One. I added: And sometimes we have to Skip a Step … or Two. Relates to Medical Procedures. In my Ideal Medical World, back then, someone experienced in a procedure would teach you before you would do one yourself. The busy Hospital world often did not allow for that. I had the Experience of going straight to the Doing with no prior training in the case of Inserting a Steinman Pin. A large fancy screw drilled into the Tibia, bigger of the lower leg long bones, just below the Knee to allow hookup of Traction in a Femur Fracture. Not technically difficult, I learned. My preference was to receive a demonstration before performing the procedure. Logistics did not allow. Job needed to be done. I gave a large amount of backtalk over the phone to an Orthopedic Surgery Resident (in training) before I gave up that Fight. It was on a child so I just had to have my wits about me. I realize now that I could have refused. Then, that option was not in my mind. It ended well, with femur traction being applied. Healing followed. Of course, the Resident was right. It was easy …
At that time, I was attached to the belief that I needed to be taught in order to know how to do it. I certainly know better today.
On the other hand, it feels awesome to crack out your inner MacGyver to get something done.
In case you are unsure of what I mean by MacGyver, here is a short 1:36 minute video giving three examples of how this TV character can creatively use what is at hand.
MacGyver Inventions Explained.
If you have not done something before, it is just fine. See how it goes…You potentially could develop a new and better way. Why assume the other guy knows what he is doing? Not sure this comes across like the golden advice it is. Better to figure it out yourself sometimes. Another person’s teachings may just lead you astray. That can keep us in our unending loop. Teachers teach what they were taught – old school. Something I have always been fascinated by is the assumption that what they are teaching is the highest version of the truth. Deep wisdom that I have connected to comes from many sources. One valuable source, Don Miguel Ruiz, advises to not make assumptions. The world could use some fresh ideas in my opinion.
Daft Punk’s Giorgio by Moroder includes some spoken words by Giovanni Giorgio, the father of Disco as I have heard him described. The words, just after the 5 minute mark, continue to have a huge impact on me.
Once you free your mind about the concept of harmony and music being correct, you can do whatever you want. So nobody told me what to do. There was no pre-conception of what to do.
My sense is this concept thrives in the creative world. No pre-conception of what to do … so freeing. Now you are open to the truth coming to you. The stronger your connection is to your authentic self, the higher the vibration of the truth that comes. Genius. There is a vast freedom in it for any and all who want to play around with it. Human Creativity needs now more than ever to be fully tapped into. To be Free. I hold strong that any and all problems can be solved with this basic underlying principle. The Freedom in Not Knowing that I repeat in many stories. The knowing holds us back. That is where how we educate ourselves can be limited if we choose to do same old, same old … and somehow expect different results for our world to miraculously appear. As much as I believe in miracles, they cannot emerge under a strangle hold … of doing things in the same old way we have always been doing them. That is how we got here.
For this to work its best, you need to adopt a deep trust … in yourself – that you are aligned with your highest version of yourself. I heard one of my favorite teachers, Bentinho Massaro, conceptualize it this way: To be in a state of conclusion-less, doubtless action is to be aligned and following your inspiration. You do not need to be consciously aware of the full understanding of what your actions might result in. My paraphrase.
Implied in this is a full belief in the abundance of the Universe. There is no lack. By you having it all, you are not taking it away from somebody else. The definition of Abundance that I use is knowing what you need to know when you need to know it. You do not really need to know that far ahead.
4. Never let a patient leave your office without Hope. The world of Medicine can get so technical, full of statistics and logistics. I thought about this pearl often. In practice, I was shocked how frequently I had no clue what was really going on. Cultivating Hope was the only way I could have lasted as long as I did. Sadly, when I had my most dramatic health event with the manic episode, the Staff allowed me to leave the Hospital without Hope. My own training allowed me to know that the system was in need of improvement just on that basis alone. No need to Fear. I Cultivated Hope for Myself. Anyone can do it for themselves also. We need no longer require the Medical System to provide it. If it can: Bonus!
There, now anyone reading this has the down and dirty Pearls of Wisdom. From me. You do not have to thank me. I am more than happy to save you the trouble of going to Medical School for yourself.
Index card version:
1. Never say never. Never say always.
2. See one. Do one. Teach one. Sometimes you have to skip a step … or two.
3. Evaluate the Evaluator.
4. Never let a Patient leave without Hope.
5. Pay attention to the Patient’s Intuition or Knowing. (see below)
6. You are both the Doctor and the Patient.
Never say never started solely as a story recounting another of my now numerous romantic connections. The Medical School on an Index Card came as a surprise to me. I was reminded of the Never Say Never when I had to eat my words about how I could never fall for a guy without meeting him in person. I said that knowing full well it went against my Medical School pearl of wisdom. What did I truly know on the matter? Nothing apparently.
Well it was not long after that, in the spring of 2013, when a Beautiful Soul, from Norway, (not the first from this dot on the map to catch my eye), innocently asked to be my friend on Facebook. Norwegian friend #1 had a big impact and was written about in a couple of my stories. Now meet Norwegian friend #2. I rarely would deny a friend request but it was always proceeded by the quick peek technique in the off chance there was a warning sign. No warning sign. Seemed like a fine young, attractive man – appeared too young for me, to my first glance. Definitely noted a vibrant energy coming from my new friend. Caught myself getting a little lift each time I saw a post. Then some profile picture changes. Until one particular one, sitting on a patio, had me looking at him completely differently. From out of nowhere, a man popped out. What happened to the boy that originally appeared. The next thing I knew, I am lying in bed lazily one Sunday. He had posted a home video and in my enthusiasm I found myself pushing play without hesitation. His son was baking a cake. Whoops! Now I was not anonymous. I knew how You Tube tracks whoever watches. How many Canadian women of my age range could there possibly be within his friends list? OK, so I am caught, I have to make a comment. And I do. I shock myself that in this video, I see my Facebook friend’s wrist sporting a thick leather band. I had no idea how sexy this was…until that moment. My first experience in what I now call my hand fetish. He barely appeared in the video. His presence was noted only via a hand holding a mug, the rest of the body and head were not in view. A short sound of his voice had me weak in the knees like a 14 year old schoolgirl. I could not understand the words. They were Norwegian. The sound of his voice took my breath away. OK, I had to formally eat my words about never falling for someone just based on Facebook and other electronic media.
It was not long before I was stepping completely outside my Comfort Zone. I Facebook chatted a meek hello of some kind. My truest intention was to somehow start a meaningful back and forth. The first attempt did not succeed in this but I was not worried. It was a pleasant exchange. I had no need to control these things. I just went with the flow. I listened to my urges. Not really sure what I could possibly expect here. But so what… If it feels good, do it!
Within weeks, a shift organically occurred. It was he who requested a conversation. Oh, OK…
This time, the conversation dove down into a more interesting depth. Aaaaah, just the way I like it. If I was going to have friends, it was lovely as we discovered shared desire for authentic and deep discussion. Can one have too many friends? I think not. I had a keen interest in how European culture was different than my own here in Canada. I guess, right from the start the idea of Cultural Exchange was there. Yes. And we cannot forget my saying, “I Like My Men Like I Like My Cars”. The answer is European if you do not already know. We all have our preferences. As I complete this story October 2014, I have loosened my grip on that statement. Now I just like interesting men. No need to limit myself to one specific geographical region.
In the famous words of Blaise Pascal, “The Heart has its Reasons, which Reason Knows Not”.
I recall my own Pépé (Grandpa) wondered why his granddaughter never liked just regular Canadian boys. I have a rich multicultural tapestry of male interests over my life so far. I did once date a French Canadian lad when I spent the summer in Montreal. In true Angèle form, I authentically experienced learning French in Montreal with a local Tutor … tee hee. I attended the Université de Montréal. He was an Engineering student on summer break more interested in learning English than teaching French: minor details. His red boat shoes (remember those?) truly caught my eye on the dance floor. He danced with enthusiasm… The rest is history. One of those summer loves. I would continue to make many infantile grammatical errors. Especially related to the masculine/feminine – even when expressing about myself …in the masculine when clearly it calls for the feminine. I am not fluent in French even now despite the fact that French was my first language through to Pre-School age. Do not let my name mislead you … ever. My general lack of accent can fool French-speaking people for a few minutes but there are many words where the truth glares out.
Funny the Way It Is… by the Dave Matthews Band. Love this band!!
Short version of the story with Norwegian friend #2: energy travels very well over the worldwide web. I could not believe it until I experienced it for myself. Somehow we recognized each other via our energetic inputs on Facebook. I could feel him coming online and offline, like a physical click. Hard not to notice. The little green dot indicating on Facebook your friend was online helped me to connect my physical sensations with perceiving his coming online. Friendship developed and turned romantic over Facebook chat. We were seriously planning a meetup somewhere in the world at one point. Iceland, Spain and Portugal were top of the mind. As I have often noticed in the dating game, when someone is close to connecting up, they become like a magnet and have several potential matches gathering ’round. Well the old saying, “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush” comes to mind. Local Yoga Instructor/Musician sweeps him off his feet. Those musicians are hard to resist… Disappointment for me but could not help but be happy for him too. I wanted the best for him, of course. Friendship persists to this day. The Yoga Instructor had her run. My trip to Norway brought me one hour drive down the highway from him. When he heard I was visiting Norway, he reflexly welcomed me to stop in. Phone conversation when the day arrived, he decided at that moment maybe it was not a good idea, try again on my homeward loop.
![As opposed to the cold shower that I really needed...](https://disabledangel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/72834_422333757875967_686289760_n-300x300.jpg)
As opposed to the cold shower that I really needed…
I have felt telepathic communication strongest with him than any other person I have related with. Wonder why? Several opportunities to double check my telepathic senses. I perceived that our meeting would prove a temptation that he was unsure he could resist. My prediction: he would not have been able. I would not have been able either. He valued fidelity to his local love. A wise choice was made that day. We laughed when he found himself single again, wishing for a similar opportunity. You Snooze, You Lose! I wrote a story with that title. I pull this phrase out all the time in life, usually in the context of eating food with my three kids. Summer of 2014, Norwegian friend #2 was enjoying a vacation: a little extra time on his hands. I received a message that he wanted to spend some quality time with me. Many months since the last romantic communications had occurred … and in one second flat, I was there – in Spirit. When his attention was on me, boy did I know it. Despite the thousands of miles between us. Talk was of a one way ticket to Canada. See what might happen. Not too many men in the world who could drop that out of the blue and be well received. This also fell through. Looks like the Universe does not see us together. Got it. I ended up meeting someone local myself that predated his expected arrival. That saved some drama. But then again, Never Say Never …
Speaking of that …
Seems I will describe my two incidents of being reported to the College of Physicians & Surgeons. Was mostly an exercise in paperwork. Nothing came of either of the Complaints. The first was during training at the Royal Alexandra Inner City Hospital. I was doing my Rotation in the Emergency Department. It was a crazy and busy place. My eyes were wide open. One fond memory was of the example set by another female Family Practice Resident a year ahead of me. I was so impressed watching her with five to eight charts on the go all at once. At times, the clipboards were all lined up on her arm with few notes being added here and there. Each chart representing a Patient Encounter. Wow! Could I ever be like that? Seemed Impossible. Certainly all the Staff Men (no Women in that Department at the time) were doing it and more. That bright Resident ended up later becoming a friend, fellow swimmer and tennis partner. She laughed when I recalled how much in awe I was of her at that time. Seeing lots of people quickly and efficiently seemed the task at hand. In the process of trying to do this, I was front line to missing the diagnosis of Pneumothorax. Sometimes we were so busy dealing with such volumes of un-emergent things, we missed the Actual Emergencies. Maybe I should say I missed. A pneumothorax is when some air leaks out into the vacuum space around the lungs. Tends to cause sharp pains and shortness of breath. The leaking of air can increase in volume over time, preventing proper mechanics of the
lungs – even be fatal. I recalled the patient very well. She was a young healthy woman. She had some sharp pains in her chest that to my inexperienced skills were explained by intercostal muscular tenderness. It was so commonplace to care for the Worried Well as they made up the bulk of patients I saw. Hard to change gears sometimes. She did have some tenderness but I recall her doubting my assessment repeatedly. I had questioned in my own mind how she could be so sure about me being wrong. I was on the ball enough to recognize that was a concern, but could not come up with an alternate explanation for her symptoms. She did Not Buy the Diagnosis I was offering. Somehow, I had gained the trust of my staffperson who was officially to oversee every patient I saw. His view of this healthy woman from across the room – she was not in significant distress with her breathing at the time – led him to choose not to review her case personally. She left our Emergency Department
and went directly to another in the city … where they did a Chest Xray and made the Diagnosis. Her confidence in herself was truly impressive! Her case might have worsened in this time, or not. No idea. This type of Chest Xray always creates some interest. Pneumothorax is not that commonly diagnosed. But it is made even sweeter when it was missed by a rival Emergency Department. I was pretty deflated by this miss. Staff guys were ultra supportive, telling me that I am not the first Doctor to miss a Pneumothorax. One of the more educating cases in my training. Certainly, when a patient is arguing vehemently against your diagnosis it is a serious cause for concern. I cannot remember another time where it happened again. Hmmm… Kind of reminds me of my own turn as a patient. I was a rebellious teenager when committed (admitted against my will) with a Manic Episode to inpatient Psychiatric Care. Only there was no definitive test like a Chest Xray to come in to
save the day and show the Doctor he may not be as right as he thinks. Patients doubting the diagnosis is so common in Psychiatry that they had to create a symptom for it: lacking insight. A Ruse to My Eye. Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Addition to the Index Card: 5. Pay Attention to the Patient’s Intuition or Knowing. Clues freely offered. I was known to ask patients what they thought their condition was. They always seemed so surprised. As if there was no possible way they themselves could know. We were taught in Medical School to figure out what the patient was really there for. It rarely was for the reason they told the receptionist. A common situation was a Patient Fearing Cancer. They would not come out and say it but I could intuit and would ask if they thought it might be cancer. It was satisfying to see their relief that the Truth was out. Then I could meet their concern. Tests to match their Fear. It was my sense this was helpful but maybe I just fed their delusion? Or maybe they intuitively knew cancer was coming their way. Not that I made the diagnosis of Cancer that often, but I did. If there was a Parent afraid for a Child, their Fear needed to be addressed 100%. I had a sideways sense of how powerful Fear is, even then. My respect for the Power of Fear is stronger now. It works against us. Hypothesis: it may even have Creative Power. Occasionally, my Medical Training did help a Patient and made a Definitive Diagnosis. It really shocked me how uncommon that was.
Late entry November 24, 2014 Ebolo by Ryan Higa.
The second investigation by the College was very petty. I was in Private Practice by this time. Few years under my belt … out of the five long years I worked fulltime. The Payor for the visit in question was Alberta Healthcare, the Public Payor. As it was for the majority of patients I saw. The patient: Young hairdresser. Bubbly and talkative. She wanted to ensure she made her fullest use of this time. She quickly declared that she had a list with twelve items that she wanted to cover with me. I generally was fond of lists. It showed that the patient had put some thought into their health. It was a rare patient that actually came in with a list. Looking back, just having a list has a lot to say about your life and health. I asked her to read it through. Then I asked her to pick maybe the top two or three things that we could work on that day. The moment I said it like that, she flipped out. Her life’s frustration got downloaded onto my plate right then and there. She was busy. She took time away from work to be there. Her expectation was that she would have my time until every one of her health concerns were
addressed. How dare I? She stated that she had expected extra time. I was quick to point out to her that her Insurance Coverage does not cover in that way. It is kind of random, but there was no way for me to bill except for one visit at a time. Time was allotted to match. I sympathized with her point. I did not say then but I was not too keen to ever book time for multiple appointments even if Alberta Healthcare would pay. Patients not showing was a regular issue. If they do not show for a single appointment, you just catch up. If a multiple booking does not show, Doctor twiddling thumbs. One thing I noticed in others and myself was there is nothing a Doctor hates more than twiddling thumbs. Much more likely to double and triple book appointment slots to ensure 100% that the Doctor was never kept waiting. Hence, you usually have to Wait for Doctors, never the other way around. Sacrilegious!
I encouraged her to address it with her Health Care Coverage provider. I noticed that once I brought money into the fray, it was like gasoline to a fire. There was no calming the situation. She accused me of being more interested in money than her care. It appeared there was no resolution to this argument. Time ticked on. Truly the issue was time management and healthcare coverage. I kindly asked her to leave. She did. Cursing my name on the way out. Threatening to Complain to the College of Physicians & Surgeons. Another of my bright ideas was to give her the name of who to complain to. There should have been no surprise to receive a Complaint, but I was surprised. I really did not think she would follow through. I was left just shaking my head at the mad world I lived in: the Medical Health System. If I went to her for a color, perm and a haircut. I would pay a price to represent those three services. With our generous Public Payor, it did not work that way. You are either getting a minor or a major exam. Lots of rules about how to tell the difference. As much as I now balk at all Rule Systems, I was by the book in my Professional capacity in those days. Over time, I saw a lot of different ways of interpreting the rules. As a general rule of thumb, the better doctors ignored the payor rules and made a lot less money as a result. It is amazing how creative some Doctors can be to maximize their earnings. I really never felt like a maximizer. I chose to work as an associate as a result. Though I also felt a responsibility to the Business Owner – a Friend and Colleague. When you own the business, it is/was a pretty tough slog as a Family Doctor. Little control over bills or income. Kind of the worst of both worlds: Business Owner/Employee. No Benefits etc. The worst is that everyone perceives you to be making a lot of money. In Alberta, they publicly publish the average gross billings which tended to be very misleading. In an
ideal world, Effectiveness would be Rewarded. Difficult to Quantify Effectiveness. My view: a lot of Money leaves the Public Payor with Little Health to show for it. I Dream of a Day when Healthcare will be Effective, Holistic & Cost-Effective. We will be Healthier. Greater Value for Dollar Spent. We can Intervene at the Foundation of where Health Problems Originate: in the Subconscious Mind, in the Energy Bodies. How? Open Your Mind.
October 28, 2014
I watch no news aside from the occasional posts into my Facebook Newsfeed. My 9 year old son, Jean-Luc, has proven a regular source for news. It seems he knows when to inform me of things. Recently, the Ebola Virus got into his awareness. He came home to share. 70% death rate, he reports. Wow! Wonder if it could ever get to Canada, he asks. Not sure, I remark.
I have connected to a local woman, whom I call a Master Healer. She is capable of seeing energy and has an amazing network of people – each with a unique Psychic Gift. Her network has offered me a concept to healing myself. It resonates strongly with me. She taught me what to do and I have been doing it with the view to cure Bipolar Disorder. I see it more as a label than an illness. By cure, maybe I mean a version of myself closer to my highest potential. I have come to see it more as collective consciousness belief systems that I have in place that make me attack normal aspects of myself – because the collective does not recognize what is in fact normal, for Me. I think of it as more of an Energetic Auto-immune Disease. Certain Belief Systems in place will falsely believe that energetic parts of myself are foreign or abnormal. I am over two thirds through the work. Energetic work. Examples: I have cleared past life energies related to head injuries. There were only two. I have cleared three past life energies that related to receiving ECT, shock therapy. One of those cases was in China and research, drilling holes in my skull, was conducted on me to determine where my psychic abilities originate. These past life energies cannot be thought about too linearly. I think of them as I carry a portion of energy, not that I was that person in that life. The fact that a life occurred with its related traumas is carried forward. When we recognize these things we are easily capable of transmuting the energy, neutralizing it.
What you do to One, you do to All. What you do for One, you do for All.
We all carry these bundles of energy that prevent our highest versions of ourselves from expressing. Becoming aware of this and recognizing your own self-healing power lead to being able to heal yourself and express closer to your highest potential. Holistic, mind/body/spirit, health.
Most of the work in healing myself involves Belief Systems and Negative Emotions (carried as energy that blocks full vitality). The very first Belief System that came up was first replaced with: Everyone is Responsible for their Own Well-being.
Only once the new belief is installed was the old one removed. I determined, with the help of the Master Healer, the original Belief was held in the third energy body in the masculine field: I am afraid for the well-being of others. Sounds like a Doctor, don’t you think? I came by it honestly. I suspect most people in the Western World also believe this. I would be reluctant to say all. That goes against my Medical Training. Ha ha.
The second Belief System tackled was Upgraded to: I have the Full Capability to Heal Myself.
The original was found in the first energy body and in the feminine and masculine fields: I am unable to heal myself. Not a very empowered place to live. I would hypothesize that this Belief System is present in the majority of people.
Third Belief System was a well known Upgrade to I Am Worthy of Love to replace I am not worthy of love in the third energy body of the feminine field. The forth was upgraded to I am able to bear all of life’s circumstances with grace and ease from believing I am unable to bear life’s difficult circumstances found in my case in the forth energy body/masculine field.
I believe the specific wording of the commands are very important. I have used the wording of my beloved Master Healer. Her instructions resonate. I perceive great benefit to me. This type of care tends to fall under Alternative Healthcare. Practitioners vary vastly with their unique gifts and abilities.
The best way to learn in my opinion is by experience. I have had the experience of being both a Doctor and a Patient who had two Manic Episodes (thus labelled as Bipolar Disorder). The biggest direct discovery was that what I experienced is misunderstood by the traditional Western Medical view. I was and remain sure of it. I have collected my various experiences in this lifetime and conclude that illnesses originate in one of the energy bodies. The expression in the physical body results when the energetic cause remains unnoticed. Each illness is like a Teacher, helping us to learn who we truly are in mind/body/spirit. Beliefs held by the Collective Consciousness about how health deteriorates with age has led us to where we now sit. Such a large proportion of the people are not physically well, it has been mistaken that this is the normal aging process for human beings. I believe this normal matches commonly held beliefs … which can be changed and exchanged for a higher vitality expression for human beings – all ages.
My Healer Friend has come to understand that the Ebola Virus is connected to past life issues relating to Slavery. If a person has cleared out all past life energies related to Slavery, they will be immune to the Ebola Virus. How does she know? Strong connection to her highest version of herself. Direct knowing. No University. No Credentials required. Available to all who are open to know their fullest capabilities. I am on the email list of Médecins San Frontières, MSF. Their latest mailing showcased their work with Ebola Virus victims in Africa. It would be so cool to be able to start using this alternate view of health to try it on for size. I watched a short video depicting the caregivers dressed up like spacemen caring for Ebola patients. The only people these patients see have their humanity well-cloaked. The doctors stuff their fear down to enable them to suit up and give a hand. Somehow, it makes me think of Jesus and Leprosy patients…
Out of the blue, while thinking about Ebola virus I was reminded of a distant memory. The year: 1986 or 1987. I was a Medical Student prior to our clinical time in the hospitals. We were attending lectures from 0800 – 1700 hours, Monday to Friday. Some people would study on top of that. I did a little but I was really questioning what I was doing in Medical School by this time. I found it lacking any inspiration studying the volumes of facts that were sitting in my collection of textbooks. Medical Microbiology seemed to stand out. One particular night preceded an exam. I knew then that it was my least favorite course … of all time! I looked at the material and realized I did not know it. At all! I somehow could not study it. I did not want to know it either. Instead of studying, I just fretted. It was the one time I lay awake all night feeling anxious about the impending doom awaiting me in the exam room that next day. I laid in bed as my heart pounded…all night long. Yes, I failed the exam. This time my fellow classmates did not. Whoops!
Today’s interpretation: it did not capture the Divining Rod of Truth. I Write My Own Story.
October 30, 2014
Wanted to start illustrating this story but it will not let up. I inquired if I had any past life energies related to slavery that needed to be cleared. I got a Yes. 288. That is a lot.
Then I asked if there is a faster way to treat. Yes. Can I be shown? Yes. How? Channel.
Over the last couple of days I have been receiving that impulse to attempt to channel and see what happens. After spending 2 weeks recently in Brazil, I have more intimately connected to the idea of Mediumship and Channeling. In Brazil, the Mediums I observed always wrote by hand. Seemed that writing with the keyboard on the computer resonated for me. Likely will learn something by giving it a go. Nobody had ever taught me how but just with the intention, I will see what comes forth. Abundance: knowing what you need to know, when you need to know it. I am starting to trust that more and more. My guess is that my observations in Brazil, at some level, I received an Education outside of my Conscious Awareness. I even had an opportunity to be the Patient with eight Mediums all working in unison to help me. An interesting message came out of that session: a spirit named Peter, was visualized as an older man with a white beard, wanted me to know he is with me and helps me with my writing. With my knowledge about him, he communicated that he can help me more.
I feel like MacGyver!
It is Optimal to Maintain an Open Mind.
April 3, 2015
I met Norwegian Friend #2!! I had promised myself that I would not write another story about him. Wanted to update this story to show how interesting life can be. There was no real plan on either of our part. I happened to be in England when I chose to express my appreciation to him over Facebook Chat. He had posted a couple of articles on Facebook that reminded me how like-minded we are. The Perfect Storm as I caught him feeling the very same about me. Two days later we met in Edinburgh, Scotland and traveled on to Dublin, Ireland together. He proved great company enhancing my formerly planned trip. He demonstrated superior driving capabilities to my own when on the non-right side of the road- a novelty for both of us – in Ireland. Think Left … But not too Left. Lucked out at the Rental Company driving out with a brand new Red Mazda 3, manual transmission! I was especially grateful for his
company in Ireland when he narrowly escaped being arrested at the airport in Edinburgh. I have upgraded his nickname to Viking Pirate – he was a little dismayed with the #2 in the Norwegian Friend Department. For everyone out there, keep in mind that to possess Pepper Spray is a crime in the United Kingdom. My Viking Pirate absentmindedly forgot to pack his toiletry bag in the checked luggage. Even more inattentively, he stored his Pepper Spray, purchased years ago, in his toiletry bag – forgetting that he even owned it. The two Police Officers educated us: if found in possession of this said Protective Spray on the streets of Scotland – Automatic Arrest. They consider it
as serious as a handgun: clearly a weapon. The offending spray bottle looked more like Underarm Deodorant. Made sense to store it with toiletries. Not realizing what was going on, I initially kept my distance, wanting to respect my friend’s privacy. In time, I was beckoned to join him. I saw the relief in the Security Officers eyes at the sight of my Sporty Spice Self. The Pirate appeared less dangerous when accompanied somehow. Being that he was from another country and in the Airport Jurisdiction, the Police Officers could exercise discretion. We waited patiently before they finally allowed us to carry on in our travels. I instantly informed the Pirate that I could not resist telling the story. It is so Easy to Jump to Conclusions in this World. We must Resist the Temptation. Discretion is Advised.
Fun Fact: Vikings’ Helmets likely did not sport horns. A well kept Secret. Who knew?
I must admit: I like Viking Pirates! A lot. Probably a good idea to disarm them before playing with them: A Safety Precaution.
Another example of Never Say Never …